Very important: in order to receive the rewards, the holders have to license their NFT. This is a process that does not involve any cost. We will create a WEBSITE to license your NFT after the mint. The process will be very simple. Just will take you a few minutes. We will be updating on Discord and Twitter.
A legal terms contract will be signed. As a result, the holder will assign the image and distribution rights of their NFT to Firelight Entertainment so that their avatar can appear in the animated series. The legal certainty of each procedure will be supported by lawyers linked to Firelight Entertainment. If you sell a Brainless Spikes NFT on the secondary market before signing a license agreement, the new owner can sign a license agreement himself and enjoy the royalties. If an already licensed NFT is sold on the secondary market, the new owner will enjoy the royalties from the moment the NFT is received in his wallet.
Brainless Spikes is an NFT collection made by production mass media company Firelight Entertainment.
Firelight Entertainment is a revolution. The company follows different rules than other film production and mass media companies. Brainless Spikes, an iconic NFT collection which is blowing up the market, has been the first step of this road. Our NFT holders community are our family, so we take care of them: we listen to them and we produce projects following their wishes. As a result, we share the 50% profits of each of our projects with them. Firelight team has worked for top-gun companies like Netflix, Riot Games, Red Bull, and Blizzard Entertainment, and also have been part of other high-level audiovisual & animation studios worldwide.
The global 3D animation market size was valued at USD 18.39 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.1% from 2022 to 2030. Worldwide broadcasting platforms like Netflix, Amazon, Disney & HBO, and huge production companies like Pixar, Universal or Dreamworks cannot create all the films you see every day in your computer, phone or TV. Most of the times they buy projects from a third part. This is how it works: if you have the connections with them (we have it, as we worked in those big productions), you produce a pilot episode of a TV show and you sell them. This kind of deals involve a lot of money (USD millions) and could report huge benefits. We've been working in the industry for years, so we manage this.
Our Brainless Spikes collection holders are going to become part of the Firelight Entertainment team. They will receive lifetime income from the sale of the Brainless Spikes animation series on the main audiovisual content distribution platforms (Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus...).
The benefits of holding a Spike do not end here: all the audiovisual projects carried out by the production company Firelight Entertainment will report income to our holders.
50% of the profits from all Brainless Spikes animated series will be sent to the wallets of our holders. The amount of income to be received will depend on the rarity of NFTs that each collector has and the number of NFTs of the collection that each holder has in their wallet.
50% of total series benefits will be distributed among the holders. 70% of said sum will be distributed among the soldier holders, in equal parts and depending on the number of soldiers that each collector has. 15% will go to epic holders, 10% to legendary holders and 5% to the GIFT holders, following the same process.
The following tables are PROFITS PROJECTIONS. This is an estimation and a GOAL. That's what we want to achieve, having in mind the VALUE that an animation series have and the revenue amounts that are payed in the CINEMA and 3D ANIMATION industry.
In the event that a collector has NFTs of different rarities, his compensation will be calculated based on the above percentages. Remember: royalties WILL BE DISTRIBUTED if the 3D animation series is SOLD. The moment a collector sells his NFT, he will stop receiving income. Payments of royalties would be made on an annual basis (1 time a year). Our holders will recieve ETH income in their wallets.
The more NFTs you have, the more money you will receive from the series. There are four levels of rewards in the Brainless Spikes project, depending on the rarity levels of NFTs held and the number of NFTs a single collector has.
Level 0: Swords (you have to license your NFT) / NFT ID FROM 1001 TO 2000
-15% revenue of marketing brand social media campaigns.
-5 votes for each Sword held for each creation proposal of the series.
-WL guaranteed for Brainless Spikes second collection.
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's clothing line
-Chance to get one of the 20 GIFTS rarity
-Chance to use your Spike avatar in a Metaverse (Spike is ready for game engine) if we partner with a project
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's 3D toys.
-Access to certain company events.
-And much more news coming soon! We will develop new utilities for FREE MINT people, just to let them be more involved. After the reveal, we will structure the next project chapter and include more utilities for Swords holders.
-1 year of Liisa free access: Liisa is an NFT analytics platform that uses AI to help you make better & faster decisions. You must send feedback to Liisa team to guarantee your free access. Then you will have a 70% discount in the first 3 paid months. Gain access to the platform 1. Access link is: 2. Click on "Don't have an account yet? Sign up". You'll then be asked to register. 3. Use the access code BRAINLESS-LIISA-ALPHA
Once logged in click on "Explore" and you can start testing the platform. Please provide the team behind Liisa with your feedback on their Discord.
👋 Make sure to drop a GM from Brainless Spike in their discord and follow them on Twitter
-SWAGGA Metaverse utilities: check them here
Level 1: Soldiers (you have to license your NFT) / NFT ID: FROM 1 TO 1000
-20% revenue of marketing brand social media campaigns.
-10 votes for each soldier held for each creation proposal of the series.
-Access to certain company events.
-Access to free mint places in the company's second collection.
-If you license your NFT, your avatar appears in the credits of the animated series.
-Receive a percentage of annual royalties from the profits of the production company.
-Receive percentage of royalties from the sale of the Brainless Spikes animation series.
-Holders of 10 soldiers will be able to see their NFT characters reflected in the series through Easter Eggs.
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's clothing line
-Chance to get one of the 20 GIFTS rarity
-Chance to use your Spike avatar in a Metaverse (Spike is ready for game engine) if we partner with a project
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's 3D toys.
-If you did a PAYED MINT during MINT week of an NFT with ID between 1 to 1000 (not buying in secondary market), you will get a FREE AIRDROP of the second collection. If you bought on secondary market, you will get WL guaranteed for the second collection.
-1 year of Liisa free access: Liisa is an NFT analytics platform that uses AI to help you make better & faster decisions. You must send feedback to Liisa team to guarantee your free access. Then you will have a 70% discount in the first 3 paid months.
-SWAGGA Metaverse utilities: check them here
Level 2: Epics (you have to license your NFT) / NFT ID: FROM 1 TO 1000
-5% revenue of marketing brand social media campaigns
-30 votes per epic hold for each creation proposal in the series.
-Receive a percentage of annual royalties from the profits of the production company.
-Receive percentage of royalties from the sale of the animation series.
-If you license your NFT, your avatar will be in the animation series credits
-In case of being holder of a minimum of 5 NFT of epic rarity, the holder will have the option to acquire a license to let his avatar join the casting to appear in the animation series as a main character.
-Epic holders will be entered into a drawing for free AIRDROPS and GIFTS.
-Guaranteed attendance at the premiere of the animated series.
-Access to certain company events.
-Participation in future projects of NFT collections and audiovisual productions created by Firelight Entertainment.
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's clothing line
-Chance to get one of the 20 GIFTS rarity
-Chance to use your Spike avatar in a Metaverse (Spike is ready for game engine) if we partner with a project
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's 3D toys.
-If you did a PAYED MINT during MINT week of an NFT with ID between 1 to 1000 (not buying in secondary market), you will get a FREE AIRDROP of the second collection. If you bought on secondary market, you will get WL guaranteed for the second collection.
-1 year of Liisa free access: Liisa is an NFT analytics platform that uses AI to help you make better & faster decisions. You must send feedback to Liisa team to guarantee your free access. Then you will have a 70% discount in the first 3 paid months.
-SWAGGA Metaverse utilities: check them here
Level 3: GIFTS (you have to license your NFT) / NFT ID: FROM 1 TO 1000
-5% revenue of marketing brand social media campaigns
-30 votes per GIFT hold for each creation proposal in the series.
-Receive a percentage of annual royalties from the profits of the production company.
-Receive percentage of royalties from the sale of the animation series.
-If you license your NFT, your avatar will be in the animation series credits
-In case of being holder of a minimum of 5 NFT of GIFT rarity, the holder will have the option to acquire a license to let his avatar join the casting to appear in the animation series as a main character.
-Epic holders will be entered into a drawing for free AIRDROPS and GIFTS.
-Guaranteed attendance at the premiere of the animated series.
-Access to certain company events.
-Participation in future projects of NFT collections and audiovisual productions created by Firelight Entertainment.
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's clothing line
-Chance to get one of the other GIFTS rarity
-Chance to use your Spike avatar in a Metaverse (Spike is ready for game engine) if we partner with a project
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's 3D toys.
-If you did a PAYED MINT during MINT week of an NFT with ID between 1 to 1000 (not buying in secondary market), you will get a FREE AIRDROP of the second collection. If you bought on secondary market, you will get WL guaranteed for the second collection.
-1 year of Liisa free access: Liisa is an NFT analytics platform that uses AI to help you make better & faster decisions. You must send feedback to Liisa team to guarantee your free access. Then you will have a 70% discount in the first 3 paid months.
-SWAGGA Metaverse utilities: check them here
Level 4: Legendaries (you have to license your NFT) / NFT ID: FROM 1 TO 1000
-5% revenue of marketing brand social media campaigns.
-60 votes per legendary held for each creation proposal in the series.
-Legendary holders will be entered into a drawing for free AIRDROPS from GIFTS.
-Receive a percentage of annual royalties from the profits of the production company.
-Receive percentage of royalties from the sale of the animation series.
-Regular meetings with the creators of the series to see exclusive content.
-Secure assistance and advantages in all face-to-face community events.
-Priority in high rarity exclusive NFT airdrops.
-Discounts on the purchase of merchandising.
-Guaranteed attendance at the premiere of the animated series.
-If you license your NFT, your avatar can be one of the animated characters within the animated series.
-Participation in future projects of NFT collections and audiovisual productions created by Firelight Entertainment.
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's clothing line
-Chance to get one of the 20 GIFTS rarity
-Chance to use your Spike avatar in a Metaverse (Spike is ready for game engine) if we partner with a project
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's 3D toys.
-If you did a PAYED MINT during MINT week of an NFT with ID between 1 to 1000 (not buying in secondary market), you will get a FREE AIRDROP of the second collection. If you bought on secondary market, you will get WL guaranteed for the second collection.
-1 year of Liisa free access: Liisa is an NFT analytics platform that uses AI to help you make better & faster decisions. You must send feedback to Liisa team to guarantee your free access. Then you will have a 70% discount in the first 3 paid months.
-SWAGGA Metaverse utilities: check them here
Level 5: Multiholder (you have to license your NFT) / NFT ID: FROM 1 TO 1000
-You must have a minimum of 10 NFT of 3 different main rarities (soldier, epic and legendary) to get all the advantatges of this list. For voting, you wll be considered a multiholder just having 2 different rarities and just 2 NFT.
-Receive a percentage of annual royalties from the profits of the production company.
-Receive percentage of royalties from the sale of the animation series.
-Votes: your votes will be the sum of the different rarities you are holding. Example: if you hold a Soldier (10 votes) and a Legendary (60 votes), you will have 70 votes.
-Multiholders will receive an AIRDROP of one free NFT.
-Regular meetings with the creators of the series to see exclusive content.
-Creation of a scene step by step with the 3D artists team & visit our studio to see the whole process live.
-Secure assistance as a VIP in face-to-face community events.
-Free Mint in future NFT collections from the company.
-Discounts on the purchase of merchandising.
-Priority in high rarity exclusive NFT airdrops.
-Guaranteed attendance at the premiere of the animated series.
-If you license your NFT, your avatar can be one of the animated characters within the animated series.
-Direct participation in future projects of NFT collections and audiovisual productions created by Firelight Entertainment.
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's clothing line
-Chance to get one of the 20 GIFTS rarity
-Chance to use your Spike avatar in a Metaverse (Spike is ready for game engine) if we partner with a project
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's 3D toys.
-If you did a PAYED MINT during MINT week of an NFT with ID between 1 to 1000 (not buying in secondary market), you will get a FREE AIRDROP of the second collection. If you bought on secondary market, you will get WL guaranteed for the second collection.
-1 year of Liisa free access: Liisa is an NFT analytics platform that uses AI to help you make better & faster decisions. You must send feedback to Liisa team to guarantee your free access. Then you will have a 70% discount in the first 3 paid months.
-SWAGGA Metaverse utilities: check them here
Last updated