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The art team is 100% focused on the art quality to create a super exclusive NFT collection. At the same time, part of the marketing team will be creating a huge community on social media.
We are working hard to ensure a smooth mint… Visit our website and mint your own Brainless Spike. 70% of the NFT’s will be for whitelist members. The 30% will be sold on public sale.
Our 3D Firelight Entertainment animation team will start producing the BIBLE of the Brainless Spikes series: basic script, synopsis, character concept arts & environments.
Our holders must license their NFT in our website to receive the project rewards, and to see their NFT's characters in the animation series. This process has no cost.
Add brand value to Brainless Spikes project being viral on social media. Creating 3D animated viral content and get funds with marketing & branding campaings.
Through multiple voting tools, our community will choose how our artists must develop the series & pilot production. We will also get partnership deals with other projects to create the series.
Firelight Entertainment will launch his next NFT collection, web3 & Metaverse experience, while producing new animation series as well. The new character will appear in the 3D animation series. Holders who did a payed mint in the first Spike season will get a free Airdrop.
As a Marvel, Sony Pictures & Netflix 3D artists, our Firelight Entertainment team will manage the offers of the main digital platforms to sell the production and broadcast Brainless Spikes animation series.Our holders must license their NFT in our website to receive the project rewards, and to see their NFT's characters in the animation series. This process has no cost.
During the whole production process, our holders and the community will have meetings with the art team to discover unseen and exclusive content about the series. We will organize face-to-face events as well.
We will push as hard as we can to sell our 3D animation series to a digital broadcasting platform. 50% of the income generated will be transferred to our holders wallets. The community will be represented in the official series premiere.
-SERIES BIBLE: we will start developing the 3D animation series BIBLE. What’s a Bible? This is the text & visual folder you showcase to the international production companies and platforms like Netflix to sell a product. The Bible contains stuff like the synopsis, the basic script, concept art of the characters, some environments and vídeo material. The Bible goal is to let people know the series nature and it’s essence. Is a BASIC document to sell a project, and it’s mandatory to do it. What we are gonna do is: the Team will create the basis of the Bible, applying our knowledge about the 3D animation industry to choose stuff that we know it could attract platforms and potential buyers. Once we have this done, we will open the voting windows to let our community decide about multiple options.
-LICENSE NFT SYSTEM: as you know, in order to receive the rewards and have voting power in the project, our holders must license their NFT. This is a process that doesn’t involve any cost. We will create a WEBSITE to license your NFT. The process will be very simple. Just will take you a few minutes. Our dev will be developing the site in the beginning of the new year.
-NEW STRATEGY ON SOCIAL MEDIA: SPIKE AS A 3D INFLUENCER: as we announced in our social media, our Spike vides on Tik-Tok went viral. One of our 3D clips got almost 5M views, and this is something we can’t ignore fam. We truly believe that the best way to attract people and make our series project attractive to the platforms is having a huge social media community. That’s the reason why we are investing huge resources to turn Spike into a 3D social media influencer. We will push Tik-Tok super hard, creating amazing 3D content to build a strong community there. Our idea is to increase a lot our social media followers on Tik-Tok, Instagram and YouTube shorts, and caught the attention of brands. Doing marketing campaign with brands would allow us to push harder the series production, and also will give new rewards to our community. 50% profits of each commercial deal we have with a brand will be for our holders: 15% for swords holders, 20% for soldier holders, 5% for epic holders, 5% for gift holders and 5% for legendary holders. Attending the NFT & crypto market conditions, we must push Spike as a brand on social media, to create brand value and attract investors and other brands. We also want to involve other NFT project characters in our socials, and we are working on it.
-TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT: how we are going to create a lot of huge 3D content for our social media, reducing the timings and the cost? As we always told you fam, 3D animation is an expensive industry. But there are many ways to create cool stuff for social media, with less time and investment. Brainless Spikes team is doing a huge investment on Mocap Tech. What’s Mocap? Is a special SUIT to capture movement and transfer it to the animation. Using Mocap for our social media content, our animation team just have to clean the animations and not doing it from the first stage. You use the suit to create the movement and the scene you want, and then everything is transferred to the animation softwares. As a result, we will create Spikes movements on real life and transfer everything to our computers with this suit.
-SURPRISE CHRISTMAS GIFT: do you think we forgot Christmas? NOOOOOO FAM! And we are working on a SUPER GIFT. We can’t say a lot, but stay tuned, because in the upcoming days and during Christmas days we will launch 2 surprises! And you will LOVE IT.
-FIRST GIFT RARITY LAUNCH: it’s gonna be a surprise as well, but the first GIFT rarity reveal is VERY VERY close!
-PARTNERSHIPS: having in mind how is the market situation, we think the best way to help the project succeed is to partner with other strong 3D and Metaverse communities. This process has started, as we have done multiple meetings with other projects. We will keep pushing this way, and we hope we could announce some news soon. As you will understand, this is not a quick process, but for the moment we are very happy about how the conversations are going. We have 2 goals: adding new characters and resources to the series and ensuring Metaverse environments where Spike and our community members could enjoy. Could you imagine doing Spike events on Mevaterse? We are already working on it, and we think the first one could be a reality real soon.
-SECOND COLLECTION: during 2023 first quarter, we will start working on second collection stuff while we track the market situation. This collection will be released when the market gets recovered, because we cannot dismiss an opportunity like this. We are tracking the market and acting in consequence fam!
-ADDING UTILITIES TO SWORD NFT: our idea is giving more value to all the ID NFT between 1001 and 2000 (the free mint ones). That’s the reason why Sword holders will get as well rewards from all our social media branding deals. A 15% of the total sum will be shared between Sword holders (on ETH). As a result, the current Sword utilities are (we have some extra ideas to develop in the nearly future if the think it’s necessary to push even more this rarity):
-15% revenue of each social media marketing campaigns with brands
-5 votes for each Sword held for each creation proposal of the series.
-WL guaranteed for Brainless Spikes second collection.
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's clothing line
-Chance to get one of the 20 GIFTS rarity
-Chance to use your Spike avatar in a Metaverse (Spike is ready for game engine) if we partner with a project
-Access and benefits in the future Spike's 3D toys.
-Access to certain company events.
✅ -HOLDERS DASHBOARD LAUNCHING: during the first week of May, we will launch the Brainless Spikes dashboard to let our holders join the series bible voting process and license their NFT.
✅ -CREATING POLLS TO START THE SERIES BIBLE: we will create weekly voting polls to start developing the series bible.
✅ -DEVELOPING THE SERIES BIBLE: FOCUSING 100% HERE: during this year we will focus most of our energy and resources on the series bible. This is the key to be able to sell the series to a platform in the future. Working together, we will do an awesome job. As a family! And we will be sharing all the process on Discord.
✅ -KEEP PUSHING ON SOCIAL MEDIA: we will keep active on social media to keep building Spikes community, specially on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, creating weekly content.
✅ -CONTACTS WITH NEW SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDS & PARTNERS: our goal in 2023 is to get some brand partnerships on social media, to get income and profits for the project and our holders.
✅ -LAUNCH GIFT TRAITS ON SPECIAL DATES: during the upcoming months, GIFT traits will be for special moments and events. You will see!
✅ -FINISH SPIKE METAVERSE CHARACTER: we've been working alongside SWAGGA to launch Spike as a metaverse character. We are ending the whole process. At the end of April, the character will be ready. SWAGGA plans to launch their metaverse at the end of 2nd quarter or in the beginning of 3rd!
✅ -LET ALL OUR HOLDERS GET THEIR NFT LICENSED: once we launch the dashboard, our holders will be able to license their NFT.
✅ -HOLDERS DASHBOARD LAUNCHING: during the first week of May, we will launch the Brainless Spikes dashboard to let our holders join the series bible voting process and license their NFT.
✅ -ACTIVATE HOLDERS NFT LICENSING PROTOCOL: as soon as CriptoRedentor finishes another project he is ending, he will open the NFT License app in the holders dashboard, to let you sign the license contract we have already validated.
✅ -SURPASS THE 50% PROGRESS OF BIBLE POLLS: we will keep launching bible polls and surpassing the 50% progress during the next 3 months. We expect having all the information with us in 2023 4th quarter.
✅ -1ST EPIDOSE SCRIPT VALIDATED: we have started writing the first series episode. We expect to show you the full episode script at the end of 3rd quarter.
✅ -PREPARE METAVERSE LAUNCH & EVENT: at the end of the year, Swagga will launch their metaverse with Spike available as a character and with Brainless Spikes shop. During the upcoming months we will work alongside them to prepare everything. During July Swagga wants to launch the metaverse conference room.
✅ -PARTNERSHIP WITH META TOPE: we are in talks with our friends of Meta Tope to start working together. This would be a huge opportunity of value for our project.
✅ -SIGN THE SERIES SCRIPTER CONTRACT: we are talking with some artist & scripters agencies to sign a pro scripter to help us developing Spike's history.
✅ -FOCUSING 100% ON THE SERIES BIBLE: we want to have the Bible almost done after the summer and show you guys.