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Brainless Spikes are an awesome ape breed that will blow up the NFT global market. We are the first ever animated 3D collection to create a Disney quality animation series with our NFT community. We are delivering a 2.000 NFT collection (Ethereum) and some of our NFT's are animated!
We give you some examples here of series, films and TV shows: Arcane, The Simpsons, One Piece, Naruto, Toy Story, Wall-E, Spider-Man, Frozen... And the list continues. All of them have reached billionaire numbers. And that's our goal. Our team has worked in some of the most important productions in animation history, so we know how to achieve this: to produce an astonishing series to conquer the audience and let our community get income because of it.
-The community and our holders will work alongside Marvel, Sony, Blizzard & Netflix 3D artists to develop the production. As a result, we are the first global animation series born in Web3. Brainless Spikes community (holders and active members of our social networks) will have the power to decide how the animated series will be developed. The avatars in our collection will be the main characters of the series.
-International film production company and Brainless Spikes creators Firelight Entertainment will enable voting spaces for the holders and the rest of the community, in order to build together the content of the animated series.
-The series will be sold to a content distribution platform and broadcasted around the world. A series like ours has a huge value, as doing just a single episode of 10 minutes could cost more than 400K USD. So imagine the value that could have a whole season!
-The series goal is to become a collective production, letting the entire community to participate.
-Periodic votes will be held through different channels (by simple Discord, Twitter & website polls) to decide on aspects related to the script, the scenarios, the characters, the teasers and the assets. The voting process will be very easy and simple, and it will take NO MORE THAN 1 MINUTE! A multiple choice question: thats it!
-Throughout the entire artistic creation process, our social media channels will be used as avenues for revealing how the process is progressing.
-There will also be virtual and in-person events with the community and collectors to showcase exclusive content that will not be shown until the series premiere.
-Depending on the number of NFTs that are acquired and the rarity, the holders will have more decision-making power when it comes to intervening in the script, the creation and the relevance of the characters and the scenarios and assets that will appear in the series.
-There are five levels of participation in the decisions of the Brainless Spikes project, depending on the rarity levels of NFTs held and the number of NFTs a single collector has. Each level has different rewards that build on the previous level.
-Each level has a different voting power for all the content we create, as well as a different level of recognition and participation in the animated series. Check the full info in the REWARDS & UTILITYlink of our Wiki.
Collabs with other collections
The Brainless Spikes project is going to close collaboration agreements with other collections. The NFT universe will be represented in our animated series. Avatars, stages and assets from other collections may also be present in the production. Our community will have voting power to choose which other collections are added to the audiovisual project.
As we announced in our social media, our Spike vides on Tik-Tok went viral. One of our 3D clips got almost 5M views, and this is something we can’t ignore fam. We truly believe that the best way to attract people and make our series project attractive to the platforms is having a huge social media community. That’s the reason why we are investing huge resources to turn Spike into a 3D social media influencer. We will push Tik-Tok super hard, creating amazing 3D content to build a strong community there. Our idea is to increase a lot our social media followers on Tik-Tok, Instagram and YouTube shorts, and caught the attention of brands. Doing marketing campaign with brands would allow us to push harder the series production, and also will give new rewards to our community. 50% profits of each commercial deal we have with a brand will be for our holders: 15% for swords holders, 20% for soldier holders, 5% for epic holders, 5% for gift holders and 5% for legendary holders. Attending the NFT & crypto market conditions, we must push Spike as a brand on social media, to create brand value and attract investors and other brands. We also want to involve other NFT project characters in our socials, and we are working on it.
How we are going to create a lot of huge 3D content for our social media, reducing the timings and the cost? As we always told you fam, 3D animation is an expensive industry. But there are many ways to create cool stuff for social media, with less time and investment. Brainless Spikes team is doing a huge investment on Mocap Tech. What’s Mocap? Is a special SUIT to capture movement and transfer it to the animation. Using Mocap for our social media content, our animation team just have to clean the animations and not doing it from the first stage. You use the suit to create the movement and the scene you want, and then everything is transferred to the animation softwares. As a result, we will create Spikes movements on real life and transfer everything to our computers with this suit. We will share a video to let you know how Mocap works.
Having in mind how is the market situation, we think the best way to help the project succeed is to partner with other strong 3D and Metaverse communities. This process has started, as we have done multiple meetings with other projects. We will keep pushing this way, and we hope we could announce some news soon. As you will understand, this is not a quick process, but for the moment we are very happy about how the conversations are going. We have 2 goals: adding new characters and resources to the series and ensuring Metaverse environments where Spike and our community members could enjoy. Could you imagine doing Spike events on Mevaterse? We are already working on it, and we think the first one could be a reality real soon.
During 2023 first quarter, we will start working on second collection stuff while we track the market situation. This collection will be released when the market gets recovered, because we cannot dismiss an opportunity like this. We are tracking the market and acting in consequence fam!